
I got off the airplane, walking down to sunny Florida, the air was humid and hot, I could see the humid air making my hair stick up more then usual. It was a crisp morning, the sky was red and orange, the sun not sticking up much in the arid sky. As I walked downtown I smelt the smell of Italian food as I walked near a pasta place, it smelt divine.  I heard lots of conversation and, when I saw the place they said they wanted to meet me, I sat down and waited.

WP#1 Pride Parades!

Pride Parades are parades dedicated to the LGBTQ+ Community If you didn’t know LGBTQ is an abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning/Queer. In the parades, people of all genders and sexualities, just… be themselves! Pride month is in June, people dress-up, wear face paint (usually in the pride flag or in their own gender and/or sexualities), and be with their lover, whether they are, female, male, non-binary, agender or genderfluid. Pride parades are usually in cities, such as San Francisco and New York. They are also fun because there would be sponsors like Apple and Google,  they would be throwing beads and bracelets, handing out pamphlets for showing Pride,  and other things.  However at some parades, protesters people would go out and hold offensive signs, while they also shout derogatory comments.

All About Me!

Hey Guys, Gals and Non-Binary Pals (I just quoted a YouTuber) I’m Alex, I’m in Middle School! I live in a small town in Beautiful California State. I love YouTube, Music, Drawing, and showing pride for my community! I also love digital art, one day I would love to be an animator on YouTube, like some of my favorite YouTubers, even though i’m not very great at art!  I live in a house of four, and am also the youngest of two, plus my dog, Dobby. Some interests and hobbies I have are, drawing, theater, annoying my older brother, y’know the usual. I am part of the LGBT community, I’m a Hufflepuff . I love acting and singing, i hope a side hobby I can have is voice acting when I’m older. A topic you can expect on this blog is LGBT+ representation, so please no homophobia, it will be deleted from my blog if found.